Dear Parents & Guardians,
As another school year draws to a close, I wish to bring your attention to a few important updates and reminders.

Reminder-Summer Holidays
School will close at 12:00 noon on Wednesday 26th June. School bus will operate.

Reminder-School Calendar 2024-2025
The first day of term will be Thurs. 29th August 2024.
Midterm Break/Hallowe’en:
School will be closed on the week beginning 28th October 2024
Christmas Holidays:
School will close at 12:00 noon on Fri. 20th December 2024 and reopen on Mon. 6th
January 2025:
St. Brigid’s Day Bank Holiday Closure:
School will be closed on Mon. 3rd February 2025
Midterm Break:
School will be closed on Thurs. 20th & Fri. 21st February 2025
St. Patrick’s Day Bank Holiday Closure:
School will be closed on Fri. 14th March & Monday 17th March 2025
Easter Holidays:
School will close at 12:00 noon on Fri. 11th April 2025 and reopen on Mon. 28th April 2025
Bank Holidays:
School will be closed on Mon. 5th May 2025
School will be closed on Fri. 30th May & Mon. 2nd June 2025
Summer Closure:
School will close at 12:00 noon on Wednesday 25th June 2025

Staffing 2024-2025
Wishing our long-serving member of staff, Ms. Mulvey all the very best on her retirement. We thank her
for her many years of dedicated service to Ballybay N.S.
We thank Ms. Kehoe, our Junior Infants teacher this year, whose contract will end this summer. Her hard
work throughout the year is very much appreciated.
We will be welcoming four new teachers to our staff in the new school year; Ms. Jennifer Higgins, who will
be teaching 6th Class, Ms. Demelza Muldoon, who will be job sharing with Ms. Donna Kelly in Special
Education, Ms. Cathy Dolan, shared Special Education Teacher joining us for one day per week and one
other full time Special Education Teacher, to be appointed. We will also be appointing two new Special
Needs Assistants for this autumn.
Mr. Geraghty will be returning in the new school year to resume his role as principal. We wish him all the
very best on his return.

Class Arrangements for 2024-2025
Class arrangements for next year are as follows:

Junior Infants – Ms. E. Connolly

1st Class – Ms. C. Kelly

4th Class – Ms. H. O’Toole

Senior Infants A – Ms. P. Barron

2nd Class – Ms. H. Murray & Ms. L. Clyne (Job Share)

5th Class – Ms. H. Shine

Senior Infants B – Ms. F. Mulroy

3rd Class – Ms. S. McGowan

6th Class – Ms. J. Higgins

Special Education Teachers – Ms. A. Hughes
Ms. D. Kelly & Ms. D. Muldoon (Job Share)
New Teacher (to be announced)
Ms. C. Dolan (Shared Special Education Teacher)

Special Class for Pupils with Autism – Ms. E. Kincaid

Special Needs Assistants – Ms. D. Allen
Ms. M. McManus
2 x New Special Needs Assistants for Autism Class
(to be announced)

Books & Other Supplies:
All textbooks, workbooks and copies will be supplied to pupils by the school under the Free Books Scheme
for Primary Schools. Class teachers will compile a list of any additional items which pupils will need to bring
to school (stationery items etc.) and these will be shared via email this week.

Payments for Arts & Crafts & Photocopying (€40 per child) should be paid to class teacher or office by 30th
September 2024.

School Events & Activities:
Many thanks to Ms. D. Kelly & Ms. Clyne for organising a very successful Sports Day earlier this month. The
day was very much enjoyed by all.
The ‘Family Fun Day’ organised by our Parents’ Association was a great success and provided a lovely
opportunity for families to come together, including new families joining the school community. Thanks to
our Parents’ Association for all their hard work in organising this event.
6th class pupils are very grateful to the Parents’ Association for providing pizza as a special treat for their
end of year garden party also. Sincere thanks.
Music Generation-Orchestra Recital
Well done to our pupils in 3rd-6th classes who performed at an orchestra recital in Kilbride on Sunday 26th
May, alongside groups from other primary schools and Roscommon Youth Orchestra. As you are aware the
pupils have been taking lessons in violin, viola and cello with Natalia Gorovenco for two years now, with 3rd
class pupils just beginning last September. All have made wonderful progress in such a short time. We are
very grateful to Natalia, our Music Generation instructor, for her time and dedication to our pupils
throughout the year. Thanks also to Ms. Shine for accompanying the children on keyboard for their

6th Class Graduation
We wish our 6th Class pupils all the very best as they graduate from Ballybay Central N.S. this week.
Parents of 6th class pupils are invited to attend a graduation ceremony in the church at 1:30 p.m. today,
Monday 24th June.

Words of Thanks:
Sincere thanks to all teachers and ancillary staff for their hard work and dedication throughout the year.
We are very grateful to all of our sports coaches, Music teacher and other regular visitors who supported
us this year. Many thanks to the dedicated and hardworking members of our Parents’ Association who
support us in so many ways and to Fr. Mc Manus and the Board of Management.

Finally, as I prepare to leave the role of principal, I would like to express my sincere gratitude for all of the
support, encouragement and kindness which I have received from you all over the last four years.
Wishing you a safe and enjoyable summer and looking forward to seeing you all in the new school year.

Kind regards,
Ms. O’Toole