On 23rd January, as part of Catholic Schools Week, the grandparents of the Junior and Senior Infant classes were invited to come in and visit our school. Ms. O’Toole welcomed and thanked everyone that was involved in the organisation of the day and also thanked the grandparents for coming in to say hello. The children then presented some poems, songs and memories to their grandparents. Fr. Joe lead a short prayer service with the grandparents, teachers and children. Fr. Joe also carried out a little blessing with the grandparents and their grandchild to add to the occasion. Many thanks to the grandparents, teachers and pupils collectively, for making it such an enjoyable morning. A big thank you also to the Parent’s Association for organising tea and sandwiches after the event and to the two teacher’s involved, Ms. Barron and Ms. Kehoe, together with the SNA’s Martina and Dawn.