Dear Parents/Guardians,
I hope you are keeping well and looking forward to Christmas.
As this school term draws to a close, below are just a few messages and reminders.
Christmas Holidays
The school will close for Christmas holidays on Friday 22nd December @ 12:00 noon and re-open on Monday 8th January 2024.
Christmas Jumper Day & Visit from Santa
We are hoping that Santa will be able to drop in to our school on Tuesday 19th December. Our Parents’ Association has very kindly agreed to sponsor Santa’s visit and for this we are very grateful.
We invite the children to wear their Christmas jumpers for this special occasion. If your child does not have a Christmas jumper, perhaps they can wear another festive clothing item, e.g. Santa hat. We would be most grateful if children could bring €2 towards this school fundraiser.
Christmas Performances
Upcoming Christmas performances for classes are as follows:
–Junior & Senior Infants play will take place on Tuesday 19th December @ 12:30 p.m. in the parish hall. –1st & 2nd Class play will take place on Wednesday 20th December @ 11:45 a.m. in the parish hall. –3rd, 4th & 5th Class performance of Festive Songs will take place on Wednesday 20th December @ 7:45 p.m. in the church.
–6th Class plays will take place on Thursday 21st December at 7:30 p.m. in the parish hall.
Internet Safety Sessions
Internet Safety Training sessions with BARNARDOS have been arranged for 3rd-6th classes for Thursday 7th December. We ask that all pupils in these classes would bring in €2 towards the cost of these very worthwhile sessions. Contributions should be given to the class teachers.
BARNARDOS offers free online sessions for parents, available to sign up for via the following link: The next available parents’ session is on Wednesday 13th December: 10:00 a.m. -11:00 a.m.
Credit Union Art Competition Winners
Congratulations to Marta Motuka (6th Class), Isobel Warby (4th Class), Caoimhe Gillan (4th Class), Olivia Tong (3rd Class) and Sheenagh Kilkenny (Senior Infants), who all won prizes in the Credit Union Art Competition. Well done to all!
Parent Teacher Meetings
We wish to thank you for your co-operation in helping us to hold our parent-teacher meetings during the month of November. It was lovely to meet you all.
Sports Coaches & Music Teacher
Sincere thanks to Laura our basketball coach, Niamh and Ultan our GAA coaches & Darin our Tag Rugby coach for providing training for classes throughout this term. Many thanks also to Natalia, our Music Teacher, for tutoring our pupils in violin, viola and cello during this term.
We are very grateful to all for their hard work and dedication.
Please submit Name, Address and Date of Birth of any children who will be starting school in autumn 2024 and subsequent years. Parents may use the online ‘Expression of Interest’ form which is available on the ‘Enrolment’ section of the school website.
Hallowe’en Fundraiser
Our Hallowe’en Dress Up/No Uniform Day Fundraiser on Friday 27th of October was a great success and a very enjoyable experience for all. €238.00 was raised. Sincere thanks for your efforts and generosity.
Parents’ Association
We thank the Parents’ Association committee for their hard work and support throughout the term and for the valuable funding and resources which they have made available to the school. Chairperson: Sarah Jane Whelan
Secretary: Ciara O’Sullivan
Treasurer: Aoife Murray
P.R.O.: Catriona O’Meara Babatunde
Board of Management 2023-2027
Our new Board of Management came into effect on 1st December 2023 and will remain in place for a four year term. Members of the Board are as follows:
Fr. Michael McManus, P.P. (Patron’s Nominee/Chairperson)
Catherine Nolan (Patron’s Nominee)
Helen O’Toole (Principal/Secretary)
Sinéad McGowan (Teacher Nominee)
David Gleeson (Community Nominee/Treasurer)
Ollie Hegarty (Community Nominee)
Basil Mannion (Parent Nominee)
Trish Gaffney (Parent Nominee)
Many thanks to the outgoing Board of Management, staff, parents, guardians and members of the school community for your continued support and co-operation this term and wishing you all a safe and happy Christmas.
Yours sincerely,
Ms. Helen O’Toole,