Dear Parents & Guardians,
I hope you all had a lovely, restful Christmas and very best wishes for the 2024.
As we begin Term 2 of this school year, I would like to bring a few items to your attention.
The school will begin accepting applications for enrolment from next Monday15th January for the 2024/2025 academic year. An enrolment application form will be forwarded by post to all parents who have completed the ‘Expression of Interest Form’ via the school website. Parents/Guardians who have not registered their details online may phone or email the school office to request an enrolment application form.
No Uniform Day Fundraiser-Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind
Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind will visit the school on Friday 12th January. This is a wonderful opportunity for the children to meet representatives and some of the Ambassador Dogs. They will learn all about the great work carried out by the organisation. Friday will be a No Uniform Day and we ask that pupils would bring a donation of €2 towards Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind.
County Photos
County Photos will visit the school on Tuesday 16th January. Pupils will have their pictures taken individually/with siblings and class photos will also be taken for Junior Infants and 6th Class. Pupils should please wear their full school uniforms on this day.
Christmas Fundraiser
Sincere thanks to all of you for your contributions towards our Christmas Fundraiser. The total amount raised from our ‘Christmas Jumper Day’ was €317.00. Your generosity is much appreciated. Many thanks to the Parents’ Association for their generous contribution towards Santa’s visit to the school in December, including a very kind donation to Society of St. Vincent de Paul on Santa’s behalf.
Winner of Art Competition
Congratulations to Abbey Clogher, 3rd Class, who won a prize for her entry into this year’s Environmental Awareness Christmas Competition. Abbey created a beautiful Christmas decoration from recycled materials-well done to Abbey and all of the children who created lovely pieces of work for this competition!
Midterm Break & New Bank Holiday Closures
The school will close on Monday 5th February to celebrate the new St. Brigid’s Day bank holiday.
The school will also close for Midterm Break on Thursday 15th and Friday 16th February as per year calendar.
School Closure for New Primary Maths Curriculum Training
Please note that the school will close on Tuesday 27th February, as staff are required to attend training for the New Primary Maths Curriculum on this day.
First Confessions will take place for pupils in 2nd class on Wednesday 13th March @ 7:30 p.m.
Confirmation will take place on Thursday 11th April @ 11:00 a.m..
First Communion will take place on Saturday 18th May @ 11:00 a.m..
Yours sincerely,
Ms. O’Toole