Dear Parents & Guardians,
I hope you are all keeping well.
Below are just a few important updates and reminders:
Seachtain na Gaeilge & St. Patrick’s Day
We will have a ‘Lá Glas’ / ‘Green Day’ on Thursday 14th March to celebrate Seachtain na Gaeilge and St.
Patrick’s Day. Children may dress in green on this day and bring a voluntary contribution of €2 towards this school fundraiser. School will be closed on Monday 18th March.
Easter Cake Sale
Our Parents’ Association is organising an Easter Cake Sale in the school on Friday 15th March. Further details to follow. Your support for this fundraiser would be very much appreciated.
Easter Closure
The school will close for Easter holidays at 12:00 noon on Friday 22nd March and reopen on Monday 8th April.
First Confessions will take place for pupils in 2nd class on Wednesday 13th March @ 7:30 p.m..
Confirmation will take place on Thursday 11th April @ 11:00 a.m..
First Communion will take place on Saturday 18th May @ 11:00 a.m.
Well done to our 2nd class pupils who have been taking part in the ‘Grow in Love’ programme and
participating in Sunday masses during this term and last term as part of their preparation for First Holy Communion.
GOAL workshops for 1st-4th classes took place last Wednesday 28th February.
Mind Your Mind webinar series for 3rd-6th Classes- last of three sessions on Wednesday 6th March.
Trip to Ericsson for 6th Class for Coding & Internet Safety Workshop on Wednesday 6th March.
Green Schools visit from Roscommon County Council on Thursday 7th March.
Visit from Joe Keating (storyteller/seanchaí) to 6th Class on Tuesday 12th March.
Confirmation Retreat for pupils in 6th Class on Thursday 21st March.
Our Committees
Thanks to our Green Schools Committee led by Ms. C. Kelly, Ms. Connolly and Ms. Mulvey. The committee
would be grateful for any help in improving our school garden.
Our Student Council has also been carrying out important work in the school this term, including leading an
Anti-Bullying Campaign and helping to organise events for Seachtain na Gaeilge and our ‘Lá Glas’. Thanks to Ms Hughes who has been leading the Student Council this year.
Yours sincerely,
Ms. O’Toole