Dear Parents & Guardians,
I hope you are all keeping well. I wish to take this opportunity to thank you most sincerely for your support and co-operation since our return to school this academic year. It has been a very busy and successful half term. Please find notes and reminders below.
Midterm Break
The school will close for midterm break at 3:00 p.m. on Friday 27th October (2:00 p.m. for Junior & Senior Infants) and will remain closed for the week beginning Monday 30th October. School will reopen on Monday 6th November.
Hallowe’en Dress Up/No Uniform Day Fundraiser
We are encouraging the children, should they wish, to dress up in Hallowe’en costumes or wear an outfit of their choice to school on Friday 27th October. We ask that each child would make a voluntary contribution of €2 towards this school fundraiser.
Parents’ Association
Many thanks to our Parents’ Association for organising a very successful cake sale in the school shelter last Friday 13th October. A Hallowe’en Disco is being organised in the parish hall for Thursday 26th October (further details to follow from the Parents’ Association).
We welcome our new Parents’ Association Committee:
Chairperson: Sarah Jane Whelan
Secretary: Trish Gaffney
Treasurer: Aoife Murray
P.R.O.: Catriona O’Meara Babatunde
Thanks to the Parents’ Association for their continued support and for giving so generously of their time to organise fundraising events for our school.
Athletics Cross Country Event
Congratulations to all pupils who took part in the Roscommon Primary Schools Cross Country Championships on 3rd October at the Roscommon Town Racecourse. Congratulations to Reuben Davis and Jason Kenny, who won 1st and 7th places respectively in the 3rd/4th class boy’s race. Well done to our 3rd & 4th class team who won 3rd place in the 3rd/4th class boy’s team event. Reuben and Jason proceeded to the Connacht Finals on 11th October in Tuam, together with team members Tiernan Reynolds, Rian Murphy, Edward McGuirk and Tadhg Tyndall. We are very proud of all our athletes. Many thanks to Ms. Clyne and Ms. Mulroy for training them for the events.
Christmas Annuals
If you wish to purchase a Christmas annual for your child, please return completed order slip and €4 to the school by next Wednesday 25th October.
Christmas Shoebox Appeal
If you and your child wish to prepare a Christmas shoeboxes for Team Hope, please send it in to the school before 10th November, the closing date for collections. Leaflets distributed to families earlier this month.
Wishing you all a safe and restful Hallowe’en.
Yours sincerely,
Ms. O’Toole