Dear Parents & Guardians,
Welcome back to all our parents and pupils, especially new arrivals to our school.
We wish to thank you for your support and co-operation on the reopening of our school.
Below are some important updates and reminders.
Calendar 2023/2024
Just a reminder regarding the planned school closures for this year:
School Closures 2023-2024
Midterm Break (Term 1): Closed from Monday 30th October-Friday 3rd November4‘23 (inclusive)
Christmas Holidays: School will close at 12:00 noon on Friday 22nd December ‘23
Closed on weeks beginning 25th December ‘23 and 1st January ‘24
Reopening on Monday 8th January ‘24
New Bank Holiday: Closed Monday 5th February ‘24
Midterm Break (Term 2): Closed Thursday 15th & Friday 16th February ‘24
St. Patrick’s Day: Closed Monday 18th March ‘24
Easter Holidays: School will close at 12:00 noon on Friday 22nd March ‘24
Closed on weeks beginning 25th March and 1st April ‘24
Reopening on Monday 8th April ‘24
Bank Holidays: Closed on Monday 6th & Tuesday 7th May ‘24
Closed on Monday 3rd & Tuesday 4th June ‘24
Summer Closure: Final day of the academic year will be Wednesday 26th June ’24, closing at 12:00 noon.
We encourage parents to arrange holidays during holiday periods causing minimum disruption to children’s attendance at school.
Arts & Crafts/Photocopying
We would be grateful if you could pay any outstanding contributions for Arts & Crafts/Photocopying (€40 per child) to the class teacher at your earliest convenience.
School Uniform
Since the term began, the children have arrived at school looking very smart in their uniforms. I compliment both children and parents on this. Teachers will inform their classes when they have Physical Education and will need to wear the school P.E. uniform. Please ensure that all of your child’s belongings are labelled.
PE Sweatshirts
PE sweatshirts are available in Fossal/Singer, Athlone. Plain navy tracksuit bottoms should be worn with the P.E. sweatshirt (no leggings, stripes, logos etc.). These are also available to purchase in Fossal/Singer.
Contacting the School
Just a reminder that our school email address is All general, day to day queries and enquiries should be sent to this email address. Emails sent to the old office email address will no longer be received. Our secretary is available to take calls between 9:20 a.m. and 12:15 p.m. and again between 12:45 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. and insofar as possible, important messages should be conveyed to the office during these hours.
Meeting with Teachers
If at any stage you have a concern about your child, please arrange to speak to your child’s class teacher, who is the first point of contact. Please call or email the office to make an appointment, as supervision must be arranged to facilitate meetings taking place during the school day.
Punctuality & Arrival
Please ensure that your child is on time for school each day. Children should proceed directly to their designated area and line up at their classroom door. School commences at 9:20 for all pupils. There is no supervision of children in the yard before this time.
Roll Call, Absence and Late Arrival
Attendance is recorded on-line. The roll is called in all classrooms each morning between 10:00 and 10:10, marking only those at school present. Circular 28/13 of The Department of Education and Skills states that ‘a pupil will be marked either present or absent at the time of roll call’. Parents must give a written explanation (by email, the designed note in the homework diaries or handwritten note) for their child’s absence or late arrival. We are required to file explanations for all absences, and return details to TUSLA.
Sign Out Book
Exceptional circumstances may arise where parents may need to take children from class before the end of the school day. As you are aware, we are now operating a sign out book for such instances. Parents must ring/email the school office to alert us that they will be collecting their children early. On arrival at the school they will be requested to sign the book.
School Lunches & Allergies
We encourage healthy eating among children. Therefore we discourage inclusion of biscuits, sweets, chocolate bars, fizzy drinks etc. in school lunches. There are children in the school who are allergic to nuts. As this is a very serious matter, we ask that you keep this in mind as you prepare lunches. Children are not allowed to swap or share lunches in school.
Medical Requirements
If your child has a medical condition that may require administration of medicine at school, it is imperative that you ensure that there is an up to date supply here at school, accompanied by clear instructions. If your child needs medication as a once off, it must be accompanied by a letter of consent and clear instructions.
Allianz Pupils’ Personal Accident Insurance
This insurance scheme for pupils is now available to purchase through the school. Each child will have received an application form recently. Please return the completed slip (please tick chosen cover), together with the appropriate amount in cash in a clearly marked envelope by tomorrow 4th October. Please do not make payments for insurance via electronic transfer.
For further information on the insurance scheme, you can visit
Contact Details
If your contact details (address, phone numbers and emergency contacts) change, please inform the school as soon as possible, by sending an email to the school with your name in the Subject Box.
Birthday Invitations
Birthday party invitations must be distributed outside of school time (after school, not before) where it can be done discreetly.
Items Not Allowed
Electronic devices and mobile phones are strictly prohibited in the school.
Children are not allowed chewing gum or liquid Tipp-Ex in the school. Ballybay N.S. is a smoke free zone.
As we are at the beginning of a new school year, we would appeal to all parents to check their children’s hair for head lice on a regular basis. If you detect head lice please let the school know immediately. Thus, we can inform the parents of the other children in the class so that they may have their hair treated.
Basketball & GAA Coaching
Basketball coaching will take place on Mondays for pupils in 2nd-6th class.
A Junior GAA skills programme will be delivered to pupils in Junior Infants, Senior Infants & 1st class on Wednesdays for the next number of weeks. We are very grateful to Roscommon GAA Club for providing these sessions for our pupils. GAA sessions to resume shortly for all classes, organised by St. Brigid’s Club.
Athletics-Cross Country
Over the last few weeks, pupils from 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th classes have taken part in Cross Country running during their lunch breaks under the guidance of Ms. Clyne and Ms. Mulroy. A team of 24 athletes has been selected to represent the school in the Roscommon Primary Schools Cross Country Championships in the Racecourse in Roscommon Town today. We wish them all the very best of luck!
Music Generation
Violin, viola and cello lessons are taking place in school again this year for pupils in 3rd-6th classes. Lessons will take place on Thursdays. Many thanks to our Music Teacher, Natalia and Music Generation for providing this wonderful opportunity for the children in our school.
Parents’ Association
We encourage parents to get involved in our Parents’ Association. It provides valuable funding and resources for our school. We greatly appreciate the PA’s continued fundraising and their support and dedication to our school.
Yours sincerely,
Ms. O’Toole