We had a visit from the Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind on Friday 12th January 2024. All classes from Junior Infants to Sixth Class went to the hall to meet Theresa O’Reilly and her daughter Shannon O’Reilly who were accompanied by three of their Ambassador Dogs named Pixie, Bumble and Twinkle. The children learned about the important work carried out by the Guide Dog organisation. Guide Dogs enable people who are visually impaired to achieve greater independence and mobility. Guide Dogs act not only as a mobility aid but also as a constant support providing both safety and social benefits. We held a non-uniform day to coincide with this visit and we raised a whopping 400 euro which we donated to the Irish Guide Dogs. Leo Kilduff and Lily Brennan are pictured here presenting the cheque to Theresa. A big thank you to Theresa and her furry friends for coming to visit.